Are You Utilizing Goodreads?

With 75 million members, Goodreads is the largest site for readers and book recommendations. Often an underutilized resource for both readers and writers alike, there are some key ways that you can take advantage of the platform. 

From writing reviews to doing Q&As as an author, don't underestimate the power of the platform. We wanted to highlight a few ways that you can engage with Goodreads. 


Keep Track of Your Reading List - It's super easy to keep track of the things that you're currently reading as well as things you want to read. Also, if you're friends are always asking for your book recs, you can simply send them to your Goodreads page where you are tracking everything. 

Write a Review - Authors and their books are only as good as their reviews. Did you really love a book? Take the time to write a review on Goodreads to help other readers decide to pick up the book! 

See What Books Your Friends Are Reading - You may also want to check in on your friend's reading list. This is an easy way to keep track of their favorites and add to your own reading list. 


Taking Questions From Your Audience - Are you working on your book marketing campaign? Well, have you thought about opening up questions on your author page? This gives the readers the opportunity to interact with you on a more personal level. Maybe they want to know a little bit more behind your character or the inspiration for the setting of your book. Engagement is the name of the game when it comes to audience building. 

Run a Giveaway - Did you know that you can run a giveaway from your page as well? One thing readers love more than buying books is getting them for free. This is a great incentive for your supporters to engage as well. 

Follow Other Authors - Community is everything and here you have an opportunity to follow other authors that you may admire or that have books in similar genres. Get to know other writers and who knows, you may meet your next book tour partner. 

As authors, marketing and promotion is no easy task and Goodreads is a great place to start. 

Take a minute and set up an Author page and get to promoting and recommending some of your own favorite reads!